Commit Diff

commit - 56ffa48b3850b832a4428952374a20d654e5f4af
commit + 4d7575c0d716a2b6bbfa02a5248144f3ad399806
blob - d629134e4fcaa74b7bf836a75468d74bebd0de5c
blob + 0a700a0ff66e3ff542a44f3055ed3e3100ad5e08
--- smtp_proc.c
+++ smtp_proc.c
@@ -158,14 +158,18 @@ smtp_getline(char ** restrict buf, size_t * restrict s
 				return strlen;
-		if (reoff - rsoff < 1500) {
+		/* If we can't fill at the end, move everything back. */
+		if (rbsize - reoff < 1500 && rsoff != 0) {
+			memmove(rbuf, rbuf + rsoff, reoff - rsoff);
+			reoff -= rsoff;
+			rsoff = 0;
+		}
+		/* If we still can't fill alloc some new memory. */
+		if (rbsize - reoff < 1500) {
 			if ((rbuf = realloc(rbuf, rbsize + 4096)) == NULL)
 			rbsize += 4096;
-		// If we can't fill at the end, move everything back.
-		if (rbsize - reoff < 1500)
-			memmove(rbuf + rsoff, rbuf, reoff - rsoff);
 		nread = read(STDIN_FILENO, rbuf + reoff, rbsize - reoff);
 		if (nread <= 0)
 			return nread;